From AIS with L♥ve | Inspiring Successful Futures

June 28, 2021

As part of their MYP Service as Action programme, the Grade 6 class organised and participated in a walkathon to help planet Earth. Together, they raised more than €1700 for two environmental charities, the Sea Shepherds and Greenpeace.

We asked the class, “Why are environmental causes important to you and how do you hope your donation helps the environment?” Here is Grade 6 in their own words.


I think the environment is very important. I have done multiple projects on it including pollution, ocean animals and more. We need to take care of our environment. Having a clean environment gives us a healthy life. For example, air pollution can actually give you cancer. The more we don’t care about the environment, the more pollution it will get. Without the trees and the ocean, we cannot live. The only real reason we are here is because of the environment. 


I think that donating to help the environment is important because I care about all the animals and if there is no proper environment then everyone (animals and humans) don’t have a place to live. I hope that the donations we raised will help protect the whales from whale hunters and overall environmental causes like deforestation, ocean pollution, pollution, fossil fuels, and so much more. All of us should care about everyone.  

Arvid F

It’s important for me because if the environment continues to be less good then we are making it harder for humans and other animals to live on Earth. It’s good that people like our class donate to different charities so they can try harder to save the environment. I hope that our donation will help a bit.

Arvid G

I think we should care about the environment because I will still be alive in 2090 and we still want the planet to be in a good condition at that time. I think it is also important because on the Earth things are alive and we don’t want them to die. I hope our donation helps because I think Sea Shepherds should stop the hunting of whales and other rare creatures in the sea. I think Greenpeace should help the rainforest and animals on land because it is really important that the land we live on is still in good condition.


Charities that focus on the environment are really important to me because the environment is our home. I hope that my donation helps because I love seeing people helping the Earth because then I know that something or someone just got saved.


Environmental causes are important to me because they affect our daily lives. Climate change, for example, is a big problem all around the world and it affects the planet, the cars we ride in, they affect the planet. The money will be used for good things, for example we donated to a company called Sea Shepherds; they help save the whales because they are being hunted by many countries. 


Environmental causes are important because if we don’t help the environment, the Earth will be polluted later. It’s also a place where our descendants will live. So we should help the environment so that our descendants inherit the Earth in good shape. I hope our donation stops the killing of whales and land animals. 


These causes are important to me because they do not only affect us they also affect the life around us. Such as trees, plants and animals. I hope my donations will help the environment by investing in protection and better equipment. I also hope my donation will go to forming safe habitats for the animals. I also hope that this walkathon has spread awareness so people can take action and do the same. 


I do hope that the environment does get better in some way. I’m not really sure what I want the money we raised to help, but I think if it saves lives or something, I think that’s good enough for me.


Environmental causes are important because the Earth can live without us, but we can’t live without the Earth. Actions speak louder than words, so if we want to keep this Earth alive for the human race to continue, we need action. You can do something big or do something little, but you are still helping the environment by doing something. I think this cause is important because we might have helped the Earth live to see another year as a class. And that is important. The donation helps the environment because by donating we get to be part of people saving the Earth. The health of the Earth was improved by our action even if it was small. We did something. 


Environmental causes are important because our planet is slowly losing its natural resources because of the destruction mankind is doing to our planet. Also the animals on our planet are dying because we hunt them for resources to use ourselves, but we don’t realize that they are living creatures too and we would not like it if they hunted us either. For example we donated half of our money to the environmental cause called the Sea Shepherds and what they do is they go out into the ocean save whales from being killed for their oil rich insides. We also donated to another cause called Greenpeace which pretty much helps most environmental causes. Also if we are still here in 2100 we want the planet to stay as green as it is now.


I want me and my family to have a place to live and a place to do everything that I could do. I want the plants to keep growing and the people to keep growing but to save the Earth we have to stop the pollution and single plastic waste soon. I want to have a wonderful Earth in 100 years and 200 years but we have to start somewhere. 


Because of global warming a lot of animals have lost their homes and a lot of people’s homes have been flooded. I think that my donation might help stop killing and hunting whales. Maybe my donation can also help stop the rainforests being destroyed, so that the animals living in rainforests don’t lose their homes. 


I believe that environmental causes are very important because if we continue to go like this in the future, where the world hurts animals and cuts down trees, then there would be no future. The world wouldn’t be clean and healthy. But if we help these causes and donate money or some sort of donation, then it wouldn’t only help our future but the generations to come. 

I hope my donation helps by planting more trees or stopping more sea animals from suffering. I hope my donation helps by making more and more protests to stop animal slaughter and other important causes. 


I did my exhibition on Climate Change, and I learned a lot about how dangerous humans are for the animals. We should not ruin their habitat to help us. We should find ways that will help us and will not harm the planet. There is only one planet that has all of our necessities. Earth has water, oxygen, and food. If we lose this planet we don’t have a Plan B.


Environmental causes are important to me because I care about animals and sea life, and what we are doing to them doesn’t help it. The sea is filled with plastic and if we do nothing about it, the animals will die and soon they will be extinct. We have the power to change the future. Who knows, maybe in 40-50 years 80% of pollution will be gone and most of the plastic in the sea will be taken out. As a class, we have donated 1,700+ euros for two causes (Greenpeace and Sea Shepherds). So with the money we have donated. I hope to bring action to these causes and hope that the money makes a difference.  


I want the world to continue on after me, and to do that, we have to protect it for people after us. I hope that the donations we sent were at least a little bit helpful to the environment because if the planet is destroyed by any chance, we won’t be able to live on any other planet. 


The environment must stay healthy for further generations. Scientists say climate change will be irreversible between 2027 and 2042. I think that in the future years people will notice what is happening to our world and will want to make a change. I hope the donations that were given will help the environment and no more plastic.


I want to help the environment because I think that the environment should also be able to exist, not only humans. I would like it if the money that went to Sea Shepherds is used for medical supplies to help ocean animals. I would like it if the money going to Greenpeace was used to plant trees.


I think that Sea Shepherds is a good cause because they take risks and you can see that they put lots and lots of effort in their goal. I hope that this donation makes them one step closer to achieving their goal of whales not getting killed. I learned that this was totally worth it and walking this with my friends was really fun. While helping organisations we even could complete our service as action, so it was really fun and worth it! 


Charities that focus on the environment are really important to me because the environment is our home. I hope that my donation helps because I love seeing people helping the Earth because then I know that something or someone just got saved. I do think that Greenpeace and Sea Shepherds are going to help their main purpose.