Grade 4 Students Present TEDx in the STEMzone

April 26, 2023

Grade 4 recently held their student-led TEDx presentations in the STEMzone’s multimedia theatre. The TEDx Talks are a way of taking action, which is a fundamental element of the Primary Years Programme (PYP). The students became advocates for a cause they cared about. Animation, the human brain and deforestation are just a sample of the topics covered.


In order to prepare for TEDx, the students were asked to choose a topic they are passionate about – social issues, local or global, something they cared about that they felt needed to be changed.

Once they chose a topic, the young inquirers began their research and gathered evidence. They started writing their persuasive piece once they had all of that information. Throughout the process, the class watched several examples of TEDx Talks to see which strategies the speakers used to influence their audience. They also created their visual support to be displayed on the STEMzone’s big screen. 

Grade 4 teacher Ms Anna says that TEDx is a meaningful way of teaching persuasive strategies because the students have had a voice in the process and their audience is very clear. The students explored a variety of hooks to entice their audience. They also investigated how to support their claims with evidence, which is essential when you are presenting research findings.

“In Grade 5, there is the PYP Exhibition, which is the culmination of the PYP years. TEDx, in a way, has prepared the students for that big project, helping them develop their research and communication skills,” Ms Anna shared.

After this experience, the Grade 4 students now have a solid understanding of how to use persuasive strategies to encourage people to change and inspire them to think or act differently.