Grade 11 Group 4 Projects

May 16, 2023

Grade 11 students have completed their International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Group 4 projects. The IBDP Group 4 project aims to introduce Grade 11 students to the idea that generally, Science is a collaborative activity performed by multidisciplinary teams. 


This collaborative project is an IB Diploma requirement for all Science students. The students are expected to plan, carry out, analyse and evaluate an investigation studied from the perspective of at least two scientific areas. 

This year the students worked in small groups (2 or 3 students) and with the introduction this year of Sports, Exercise and Health Science, quite a few groups investigated a sports-related topic. One example is an investigation into what extent the angle of take-off affects the distance of a long jump. All students in the Gym were helped by Grade 6 and Grade 4 students who volunteered to take part in the investigations. 

Even though the Group 4 project is not a requirement for the Environment Systems and Societies students, these students investigated the impact of an environmental issue on the Kalmthoutse Heide.

All data collection took place in the STEMzone labs, gym or field. On the second day, the students analysed and evaluated the collected data. They started with a workshop on how to statistically analyse data by the Mathematics Department in the STEMzone under the expert guidance of Mathematics teacher Mr Boyni Kara and Head of School Mr Koini. At the end of the day, all student groups reported back to each other on their investigation and main findings.