Scenarios in case of
a COVID-19 infection

Possible scenarios for infection within the AIS community

  • Scenario 1: A student or staff member is infected
  • Scenario 2: A person living within the household of a student or staff member is infected
  • Scenario 3: A student, staff member or someone living within their household has been in close contact with an infected person

If a person living within the household of a student or staff member has been in contact with an infected person, please always inform the Office Manager.

Measures related to the infected student or staff member

  • The infected person needs to stay in quarantine according to official Belgian regulations.
  • Return to school is only possible when the person is no longer contagious and able to return to school.

Measures related to the other students and staff members

  • Preventative closure of the relevant group with immediate effect
    Further measures to be decided upon evaluation of group risk (vaccination ratio, etc..)
  • On-campus learning will continue when possible
  • Any person/group who had contact with the infected person will be identified and informed
  • It is the parents’ responsibility to inform the close contacts of the infected student.


  • The parent community will be informed about a Scenario 1 infection in our community.

Measures related to the AFfected student

  • The affected student / staff member must get tested (PCR test) regardless of the vaccination status.
  • The student / staff member can only return if the test result is negative.

Measures related to the other students and staff members

  • If the relevant student / staff member’s COVID 19 test result is positive, Scenario 1 measures will come into effect.
  • On-campus learning will continue
  • It is the parents’ responsibility to inform the close contacts of the affected student.
  • The school will inform the close contacts of the affected staff member.


  • The parents will be informed about a Scenario 2 infection in our community, including detailed information about all school related measures.

Measures related to the affected STUDENT/STAFF MEMBER

  • We encourage the family to inform us about a contact with an infected person.

Measures related to school operations and communication

  • Each case will be evaluated individually and level 1 or 2 measures will be triggered if needed.